Indian Visa Photos

Indian Visa Photos £15

Specifications Size & Requirements

See Also >> | Indian Passport | Indian OCI |

The photo requirements for Indian visas have very precise specifications. Very few studios are have the technical knowledge and equipment to do them well. We are based in London and no appointment is neccessary. Your indian visa photos will not take longer than 10 minutes to produce. For those of you that cannot visit or studio we have an online ordering facility.

Passport and Visa Photos

Online Ordering

If you can't make it into our professional passport photo studios you can email us a suitable photo and we will format it to the correct specifications and either post or email it back to you, according to your preference. Payment is through Paypal - you do not need an account in order to make a payment.

Please note that you should only order a digital copy if your country supports online passport and visa applications.

Order Printed CopiesOrder Digital Copies


Our Indian visa photos not only conform to strict international biometric standards but are also as flattering as a passport or visa photo can be.

Below is an outline of India Visa Photo Requirements.

  • Color photo, size of 2 x 2 inch (50 x 50 mm).
  • Full face, front view, eyes open, natural expression
  • The background should be a plain light coloured background.
  • No shadows on the face or the background
  • Head coverings are allowed only for religious reasons
  • Head covering must not obscure any part of the face
  • Chin to crown of head must be 1 to 1-3/8 inches (25 to 35 mm).
  • Eye height is between 1- 1/8 inches to 1-3/8 inches
  • No digital retouching or enhancement allowed
  • Babies under 1 year of age do not need their eyes open

More Info

Kodak Express Highgate

020 3093 2584

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