Green Card Photos London

Green Card Photos

US Green Card Lottery Photo requirements are quite stringent and now must conform to strict new US regulations including the new internationally agreed biometric standards. We have professional passport photo studios with professional lighting and professional knowledgeable photographers.

The requirements depend on how you are applying for your Green Card. Most people require a digital copy for online applications but printed copies are also available on request.

US Green  Card Lottery  Photos

Online Ordering

If you can't make it into our professional passport photo studios you can email us a suitable photo and we will format it to the correct specifications for a Green Card and email it back to you.

Online Green Card Order


  • The Applicant must be directly facing the camera
  • The head should not be tilted up, down or to the side
  • The image must be in JPEG format.
  • The image can either be colour or black and white
  • The dimensions must be 600 pixels high by 600 pixels wide
  • The photo must have a file size no bigger than 240K
  • The head should cover about 50% to 60% of the area of the photo
  • Green Card Photos require a white or light coloured background
  • Neutral expressions are best. Showing teeth is unacceptable
  • Flash Reflections on skin is unacceptable
  • Green Card Photos which are too dark or too light are unacceptable
  • No jewellery, sunglasses, hats etc
  • Religious head coverings are acceptable but must not obscure the face.

Getting an image of 600 x 600px to be less than 240k is not easy and requires specialist knowledge. We are one of only a handful of studios worldwide who can do this properly.

Money Back Guarantee

We advise you not to take a chance with your Green Card Lottery application. If the submitted photos are incorrect your application for a green card will not be considered and you will never be told this.

We guarantee to get your US Green Card Lottery photos right first time which means that your Green card Lottery Application will not be rejected on the grounds of an incorrect photo without you knowing about it. You can pop into our professional passport studios 6 days a week and you don't even need an appointment. The results are ready usually within ten minutes.

More Info

Kodak Express Highgate

020 3093 2584

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